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Robe DigitalSpots Chosen for Rootstein Installation

Products Involved

DigitalSpot 3000 DT™
DigitalSpot 3000 DT™DigitalSpot 3000 DT™

Robe DigitalSpot 3000DTs have been specified as part of a unique installation for the London showrooms of the world’s leading mannequin designers, Rootstein.

The showrooms in west Kensington, London are remodeled and each year and given a new and fresh look and feel. This same design and visual concept is then transposed to their showrooms in New York City.

Robe UK was approached by Mediazest, producers of all Rootstein’s video material. They became aware of Robe's product range after some internet research, and specifically sought a moving projector. Robe UK’s Nathan Wan co-ordinated the specification, commissioning and installation of the project, which he says "Has stunning results".

The idea was to transform the showroom into a theatrical environment. They wanted to be able to initially cover two walls of the space in ongoing video material, and have the flexibility of being able to move this around to different areas as desired and needed. DigitalSpots were a perfect and ideally priced solution. Their reliability was also a major factor as the 20 minute video show runs all day every day.

Mediazest’s David Edwards visited Robe UK in Northampton and received a comprehensive demonstration using some of their own content.

They were particularly interested in the range of effects offered by the DigitalSpot 3000 DT and wanted to apply kaleidoscopic and others to their footage. As soon as the demo was complete, the decision to purchase was made.

The units are rigged on truss in the ceiling of the showroom. The space is generally a dark environment, with mannequins pin spotted and picked out with tightly shuttered key lighting.

About 20Gb of video footage was uploaded to the DigitalSpot’s onboard media server, and the fixture’s inbuilt LED modules are also used to colour wash the walls for additional dynamics and texturing during certain parts of the show.

The show footage was edited and fine tuned by Wan under the direction of Mediazest, making the most of the DigitalSpot’s onboard facilities which include a variety of graphics treatments, zooms and colour keying effects. All these helped create an imaginative set of new and exciting images that Mediazest had in mind.

The blended image size covers an area of about 9 x 3 metres, with the DigitalSpots positioned about 6.5 metres away.

For control, Nathan Wan chose a Swisson Dynamic DMX replay unit. This enables the showroom manager to switch the device on each day and activate the video show which plays throughout the day.

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