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Enhanced preset editing in RoboSpot and other software updates

Products Involved

ESPRITE® Fresnel
ESPRITE® FresnelESPRITE® Fresnel
LEDBeam 350™
LEDBeam 350™LEDBeam 350™
LEDBeam 350™ FW
LEDBeam 350™ FWLEDBeam 350™ FW
T1 Profile FS™
T1 Profile FS™T1 Profile FS™
T1 Profile™
T1 Profile™T1 Profile™
T1 Fresnel™
T1 Fresnel™T1 Fresnel™
T1 PC™
T1 PC™T1 PC™
T2 Profile™
T2 Profile™T2 Profile™
T2 Profile FS™
T2 Profile FS™T2 Profile FS™
T2 Fresnel™
T2 Fresnel™T2 Fresnel™
T2 PC™
T2 PC™T2 PC™
T11 Profile™
T11 Profile™T11 Profile™
T11 PC™
T11 PC™T11 PC™
T11 Fresnel™
T11 Fresnel™T11 Fresnel™

Here is one last Technical Newsletter for 2021 with the list of notable software changes. One of the most important updates is a new extended editing capability of Position presets in RoboSpot. Read on for more details.

Software Updates

There has been a flow of software updates for several devices since the last Technical Newsletter, providing improvements, fixes and also new features to our products. See the most important and interesting changes listed below. We recommend to stay up to date with all software updates by using the Robe Uploader.


With the latest update, ProMotion™ is getting a new DMX mode for enhanced keystone correction, this update also adds a RoboSpot™ support. The enhanced way of keystone adjustment is supported by the internal auto correction for perspective distortion. The ProMotion™ is now also supported by our RoboSpot™ system, for situations where you want to create video animations projected onto an artist or on the floor below them while they remain in motion.


We added the possibility to enable the Control panel right on start up of the system, included ProMotion™ into to list of supported devices and also implemented a way to selectively remove attributes from Position presets. This allows the operator to edit Position presets to for example only re-call a camera zoom preset without changing any other parameters. This was a much wanted addition and it can enhance your RoboSpot™ programing capabilities and simplify the life performance tracking. This selective editing is done by a long press on the Position preset and selecting the Edit option, then checking/unchecking the wanted/unwanted attributes from this particular preset. Review the user manual for all details of how to use this and other RoboSpot™ features.

Super Square Law Dimmer Curve

New extra smoother dimming curve has been added to devices with a Transferable Engine, that is FORTE®, ESPRITE®, CUETE® and SPOTE™, for even finer dimming at very low intensities.

Improved fan detection

We have made improvements to the fan detection and also to the calibrations backup of various fixtures, including T1, T2, FORTE® and ESPRITE® fixture families. We recommend to apply this update to all devices.

T11 Profile™

Our new T11 Profile™ is getting an update with several features added including test programs, encoder improvements, NFC support and more. It is recommended to keep all new devices up to date to get the latest advancements.

LEDBeam 350™

Low level linearity of color driving has been fine tuned, plus we eliminated several issues with quiet fan settings, LED frequency settings and LED calibrations. We strongly recommend to apply this update to all devices to ensure proper operation especially on cameras.

GDTF updates

In our long term effort for a general fixture file to simplify the workflow of our customers, we have achieved another new update to the General Device Type Format (GDTF) - DIN SPEC 15800:2021 - the standard for describing the hierarchical and logical structure and controls of any type of controllable device in the lighting and entertainment industry. The final DIN SPEC should by published by DIN in early 2022, you can read the details in a dedicated article. We have also published information about updates of our ROBE GDTF files library. If there is a ROBE fixture for which we do not provide a GDTF file yet or if you find an error in any of our files, feel free to contact us at a dedicated email address libraries@robe.cz , we are more then happy to create new files or provide support for existing ones.

Documentation updates

Besides regular updates of documentation files on our website with uploads of updated user manuals, certification paperwork, specifications and so on, we have release a new Service Manual for iPointe65®.