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All Round Great Decision to Invest in Robe

Products Involved

LEDBeam 350™
LEDBeam 350™LEDBeam 350™

AllRound Lyd + Lys (Light & Sound) is a well-established and respected Danish rental company based in Struer, a key Danish railway hub and home to famous radio and TV manufacturer, Bang & Olufsen. The company was started by owner Laurs Pedersen originally as a music tech enterprise which then grew and diversified into lighting, sound and now LED to meet client demand.

The company now has a successful a 20-year history of supplying tours, concerts, events, and productions across multiple genres from touring to theatre, and recent investments in Robe LEDBeam 350s and ESPRITES have seen a major change breaking with their previous moving light manufacturer.

The new kit was delivered just in time to assist with the explosion of live shows and events in Denmark over the summer due to the final lifting of Covid restrictions and the strong return of the market for in-person activities of all types.

Like many, Laurs and his team including head of lighting Martin Breinholt, and head of rental Daniel Sand, spent a lot of time – whilst they had it during the pandemic – to reflect and contemplate their next investments, concluding that Robe was their best bet!

They wanted new fixtures that would cover large stages for summer tours and festivals and that would fit into their existing pre rigged truss sections (previously populated with the old moving lights).

“We needed an intense wash light and generally lots of output,” commented Martin, adding that they also consulted many designers, programmers, and techs before making the final decision. “These two Robe fixtures came up time and time again,” stated Martin.

The 36 x LEDBeam 350s and 25 x ESPRITES was delivered by Robe’s Danish distributor Light Partner, located just 40 kilometers away in Herning. They also comment that this physical proximity is very handy!

The ESPRITE was picked for its light weight and abundant features explained Daniel, elucidating that they do a lot of work in small to medium sized theatres around the country which often have counterweight bar systems and limited loading, so they need fixtures that are “a sensible weight.”

“ESPRITES are bright enough to cover festival stages nicely but quiet and refined enough to be utilized for theatre productions, so it’s a great choice for us given the current workflow,” confirms Martin.

Reliability was also crucial. No rental company wants to be spending money on repairs or spare parts! The ESPRITE’s TE LED engine also interested them. Unique to Robe, the TE (TRANSFERABLE ENGINE) is a powerful, intelligent, and eco-friendly lighting solution enabling different engines – high powered, high CRI, ‘tungsten’ etc., – to be used in the same fixtures. The engines can be changed quickly and easily in 5 – 7 minutes!

These ESPRITES are the first LED profiles AllRound has owned, and it also aligns them with several other Danish rental companies which is great for cross rentals … although so far, the fixtures have been busy the entire time servicing their own projects.

As for the LEDBeam 350s, Martin loves the nice tight beam with no spillage, “It’s essential for theatre applications, but also for festivals not to have that unsightly sideways spread out from the optics,” he says, also appreciating the tight zoom.

“They are small, light and bright,” chips in Laurs, “perfect for a rental inventory”, and from a CEO’s perspective he agrees that the price is “excellent”.

AllRound’s only previous Robe kit was two BMFL FollowSpots and two base stations purchased in 2019 with which they are delighted, both in terms of the hardware and the service from Light Partner which they all agree was “instrumental” in making the switch to Robe which they see as a solid, stable brand and future-looking brand.

They are now busier than 2019 which was a bumper year, as festival season is fully underway together with all the new and rescheduled one-off shows and tours from the last two years, and the autumn is looking even more hectic!

Recent festivals serviced with the new Robes include Hede Rytmer in Silkeborg, Skive Festival and popular local event Haze Over Haarum.

Photo Credit: Louise Stickland

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